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TPE c1ccc(C(=C(c2ccccc2)c2ccccc2)c2ccccc2)cc1 C12H8O3S2 OLED Ben Zhong Tang
Aggregate Science Database

ASBase is a molecular information database with spectral data as its core. It provides simple and fast retrieval of photophysical properties of compounds, and achieves theoretical prediction of materials based on computational chemistry, big data and AI.

Universal search for compounds

    - Names, formula & CAS

    - Spectra data, range & peaks

    - Thermal properties, & solubility

    - Application fields & details

Search by chemical structure

    - Create structure-based queries

    - Draw structures online

    - Recognize & sanitize SMILES patterns

    - Virtrual screening for chemiformatics

Interactive tools (beta)

    - Statistical report of data collection

    - Interactive spectra viewer

    - Machine learning API

    - ASWiki