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1. What molecular information do we need to upload?

Generally speaking, molecular information upload contains four modules, namely basic information, spectral information, physicochemical property information and application information, all of which are required to be uploaded, please check the molecular information upload interface for specific upload requirements.

2. How to submit a compound or spectrum?

We encourage users to upload molecules with optical information. After logging in, click "Upload" on the navigation bar to create a new molecule entry following the stepwise instructions.  Please note that it will take several days for us to review the data after submission.  You can track the status of your upload under  "Data Management" at the top-right corner.

3. Can I continue to change my molecular information after uploading it?

After uploading the molecule information, it will be assigned to a specific staff for review. Molecules that have not been reviewed can be modified by the user, but those that have been reviewed are not allowed to be modified by the user privately.

You can track the status of your upload under  "Data Management" at the top-right corner. If you need to modify specific information of the reviewed "online data“ redirected from the upload histroy, please contact us by